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Basic Automotive Maintenance

Maintaining your vehicle is very important in order to not only get the most out of it, but also to keep it safe to drive. Basic maintenance includes regular oil changes, changing your brake pads and rotors, and your tires. Here at Neighborhood Auto car maintenance is a top priority.



Getting regular tune-ups is essential in order to extend the life of your vehicle. Tune-ups include new spark plugs and spark plug wires, fuel filter and air filter. Tune-up recommendations vary based off of the make and model of your vehicle, for your vehicles recommended tune-up timeframe consult your vehicle handbook. If your check engine light is on it very well could be as simple as needing a tune-up.

Oil Changes

In order for your car to run correctly it is absolutely crutial to get your oil changed every 3 months or 3,000 miles. If you don't keep up on your oil changes it creates engine sludge and could lock up your motor. Make sure you keep up on it!

  Brakes, Rotors and Tires

Maintaining your brakes, rotors and wheels is undeniably pivotal. If you feel grinding, vibrating or catching when you step on your brakes you need to have them and your rotors replaced. It is unsafe for you and other drivers to have worn out brakes. If you feel vibration while driving, pulling to one side or the other, or your vehicle doesn't grip the road like it should you need to replace your tires and get an alignment. It's important to pay attention and keep up with these things in order to be safe on the road.

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